Saturday, June 14, 2014

Zumba Kicked My Butt

Oh dear me. I sit her typing using the only muscles in my body that weren't worked over this fingers. I'm afraid that the moment I try to stand up my entire body will seize into one cramped ball.

Zumba is tough. I will give it that, but I'm wondering about the brain altering affect that occured when I walked through that doorway this morning. What made me think I was a young and in-shape twenty-something? For some reason being in that group with the loud music pumping I started working like I was that girl from my past-the young step aerobics instructor/dancer that I used to be. My thrity-something mommy of two identity who works out on occassion in the living room with a walking workout DVD, had apparently vanished. And when the instructor said "hey, here's a low impact option," why did I choose to go for the high impact option? Why did my brain cease to function in my time of need?

There I was standing in the middle of the class--that's right, no back row for me (at least I didn't go totally dillusional and opt for a front row spot)--tootsie rolling and hip swivelling like I was some Zumba Queen. I was moving left and right almost always on cue and my rib isolations felt pretty spot on until I looked in the mirror and the reflection I saw in no way matched what was going on in my head. I almost didn't recognize my awkward looking self. I was sure my kicks were going higher than that. And my elbows weren't that bent before, I'd totally felt myself hit that move earlier.

It's funny how our minds and bodies don't always match up. I find the older I get the more this is true.
I was also acutely aware of the scene from The Teacher where Emma takes her first Zumba class. The instructor for my class even had on a bright pink shirt :) But, I was glad no one was watching me from behind on a balcony, because I certainly would have given any spectator a comedy show.

By the end of class I was hurting and sweating, but it still felt good. It is good to move my body, especially since I spend so much time at a computer nowadays. But I have a feeling by nine o'clock tonight I will be a crippled mess.

The real test to see if I survived this experience will come on Monday morning, so stay tuned to see if I do it again!

What's your best workout story?

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