Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Cinnamon Ornaments

Check out these cute little decorations. It is a perfect way to spend an afternoon with your little crafters, not to mention the way it will cinnamon-scent your home! Here are the quick and easy directions:
 **Warning it can get messy, but so much fun!

What you need:
1/2 c. cinnamon
1/2 c. applesauce
~1 T. glue

In a mixing bowl combine the three ingredients, use a wooden spoon or your hands to mix. If the mix is feels too wet add some cinnamon, if it is too dry add some applesauce. We found a 1:1 ratio to work well of ours.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly cinnamon dusted surface and roll to about an 1/8" thickness. Use desired cookie cutter shapes to cut out the dough. With a straw cut a small hole out of the top for hanging.

Place cut outs on wax paper or a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Can be left to air dry for two or three days or bake in a 200 degree oven for about an hour.

Once dry, add the string, and a little paint if desired, but they are also plenty cute all on their own.

**As an alternative you could add a little glitter to the dough to give your ornaments a little sparkle.

But, most of all have fun and create some memories together!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Presents Under the Tree

 The pile of gifts is growing under the tree. Only fifteen more days until Christmas, I was informed this morning by a bubbling little girl.

Presents are a huge part of this upcoming holiday. The trick for parents, I think, is to balance the getting of presents with the giving of presents. And it's made even harder when the first question out of most people's mouths to my children is, "What do you want for Christmas?" The wants are first and foremost on their minds and their list is long. So, as a parenting team my husband and I try to make an equally big deal about what they are giving for Christmas as well.

We take each child shopping, especially for the other, and he takes them shopping to find something for Mommy and tomorrow we'll be going out to shop for Daddy. And during the next week we'll be cooking and crafting the rest of our gifts for family and friends to help add the idea that gifts don't always come from a store, but also from your creative talents.

How are you balancing the "I wants" this holiday season?