Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Mama to Girls (Part One)…

Here is what keeps me up at night as I traipse through this experience of being a mama to two fabulous girls…
I worry they will fall down and skin their knee when I am not there to kiss it better.
I worry they will be teased for their fashion and flair (rain boots and tutus are still in style at our house).
I worry they will feel left out or ignored by their friends.
I worry they will look in the mirror one day and not like what they see. And then, I worry they will try to alter their appearance to fit someone else’s definition of beauty.
I worry they will suffer a heartache that makes them question their worthiness.
I worry they will let one person’s opinion or criticism change the course of their dreams.
I worry about them being treated like an object rather than a precious gift.
I worry that one day I will wake up and realize they aren’t my babies anymore, but someone else’s to cherish and adore.
I worry they will forget the great power they have inside their hearts to do good things in this world and will sit aside, letting life pass them by.
I worry that I am not a strong enough role model for them to follow.
I worry they will know fear.
I worry they will know defeat.
I worry they will know pain.

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